We want to Advance Community and Clinical care for Childbirth-related Hypertension through/by Implementation, Engagement, and Valuing health Equity.
Who We Are
ACHIEVE stands for Advancing Community and Clinical care for Childbirth-related Hypertension through Implementation, Engagement and Valuing Equity.
We are a dynamic group of clinicians, researchers, patients, and community members collaborating to improve maternal-child health in North Carolina.
Our Goal
After the resounding success and integral information gleaned from ACHIEVE Phase I Pilot, we have excitedly moved forward to Phase II -- the goal of which is to demonstrate the impact of a multicomponent implementation strategy on the adoption and high-quality implementation of an outpatient hypertension patient safety (O-HTN) bundle in settings that reach birthing people at greatest risk for maternal morbidity and mortality.
Our Community Partners
We believe in the power of collaboration, and we work to center community voices in every aspect of our work. The ACHIEVE Coalition is instrumental to our processes to develop patient education resources that are relevant to community members.
Participating Clinics
ACHIEVE Phase II's study team is partnering with 20 outpatient clinics in the NC counties, Alamance, Durham, Orange, and Wake, to support the adoption and high-quality implementation of evidence-based care practices in outpatient settings that are known to improve how clinicians recognize, respond, and treat perinatal hypertension patients. Our approach to recruiting clinics for Phase II focused on building partnerships with the outpatient clinics in the areas that serve the patient populations most impacted by hypertension and high blood pressure-related maternal morbidity and mortality (3M).