Phase II

Phase II of ACHIEVE builds on the ACHIEVE Phase I Pilot, which tested implementation strategies of the AIM HTN bundle in the outpatient setting. During Phase II, ACHIEVE will work with 20 outpatient clinics to support their uptake of the strategies identified during the pilot. There are three clinic cohorts and each clinic will go through the following phases throughout the five-year study timeline:

1) Usual Care – phase of the study where clinic data is collected in the form of chart auditing and blood pressure observations prior to implementation. Clinics in this phase have not yet received any education/intervention by ACHIEVE.

2) Implementation Phase – a 12-month long phase during which ACHIEVE’s nurse coordinators provide education and support to the clinic to implement and sustain strategies that are intended to improve the quality of care delivered by the clinic for perinatal hypertension patients

3) Sustainment Phase – the period following a clinic’s Implementation Phase where data continues to be collected by ACHIEVE in the form of chart audits and blood pressure observations. The number of months of sustainment varies by cohort.