Getting pregnant and postpartum patients with high blood pressure the best care, which can save lives and promote long-term health.

Our Approach
Building on the ACHIEVE Phase I Pilot, ACHIEVE Phase II's overall goal is to demonstrate the effect of a multicomponent strategy on outpatient clinics' adoption and high-quality implementation of the outpatient hypertension bundle (O-HTN bundle) in settings that reach those at greatest risk for maternal morbidity and mortality (3M).
Our Core Values

Health Equity
We value health equity -- the idea that everyone should have a fair opportunity to attain their full health potential. This is a staple of our implementation study and is the driving force behind our organization.

Bidirectional communication
We value listening and communicating with our community to ensure that we are providing relevant and meaningful change aligned with equitable health opportunities. ACHIEVE has held multiple discussions with focus groups, community partners, and our two Patient Action Groups (PAGs), in which we learn about their lived experiences to identify gaps in patient care.

High-quality, evidence-based, respectful care
We value care that is high-quality, evidence-based, and respectful. To achieve this, our initiative is using research-supported implementation practices directly influenced by the conversations we are having with community members.